Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 86

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Dear Miss Brown, On-your behalf I-have spoken to a number-of persons in-the vicinity of Woburn Park with respect to-your plots. They all agreed that building is-not very active at-this-time, and-I-think there-is-no-doubt that, if-you sold-the plots today, you would-not get more-than you paid for-them. A representative of-one-of-the local building firms said that-he believed it-would-be better to put them on-the market in-the spring. If-you approve, I-will ask-him to put-the plots on-his list for sale at not less than $500 each. This figure would-be a little above-the price you paid, and-I-think-that, even in-the spring, this-is-the most attractive offer you-can expect to-get. The firm which this man represents is one-of-the best known locally, and-I-am-sure they-will serve you to-the best advantage. Their name and address is Burn & Green, 69 Woburn Park Drive, Brighton.

I-think they-are-the largest of-the firms which-have built houses in Woburn Park. Their representative says that-they-have several plots of-their-own which they expect to-sell in-the spring. Inasmuch-as you-are out-of town, I-think it-would-be to-your advantage to-have them act on-your behalf. Yours very-truly,

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