Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 87

Total Words=

Gentlemen, Recently I-bought a book in-your book department as a gift for a friend of-mine. I-found, however, when I gave it to him that-he already has a copy of-this volume. If-you do-not mind, I-will return it and select a different book of equal value. Yours-truly,

Gentlemen, Please supply us with thirty barrels of-the same kind of Portland Cement that-you supplied to-us on-the third of-June, at-the usual trade terms. We-want this shipment delivered to-our-own pier, No, 92. Yours very-truly,

Our magazine has-been successful to an extent beyond our best hopes. It-is-now in-its third year.

In-the second year we more-than doubled the number-of readers, and-now in-its third year we-hope to treble-the number. Every month it-has-been necessary to-print more copies than-the month before. With-the current issue we-have achieved a new high mark. You-will note-that-the magazine is bigger and better-than ever, and-the number-of readers is larger-than ever.

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