Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.


Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 85

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I-am-going out-of town next week, and-I should like to talk with-you for half an hour before I-leave. If-you happen to-be in town this week, please call-upon me. I-shall-be in town next Thursday and-I-shall-be-glad to-call-upon you at three o’clock. I-am-enclosing a rough outline of what I propose to-do for a more active sales drive in-the-margin of anything that occurs to-you we-can talk about it when-we meet. Dear-Sir, We-have-pleasure in-enclosing a price-list and circular which fully describes our “Milton Flier.” We-believe-that this machine is-the most attractive and reliable we-have ever offered. The machine of-which-you speak is a foreign one, and our-own machine costs you only one half as-much.

Our local representative is very often in Cardiff, and-we-shall ask-him to-call-upon you and explain more fully the advantage of owing our machine. We-enclose also a list of-the people in Cardiff who-have bought this machine.

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