Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 84

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Dear Mr. Payne, I-have-known Mr. John Lane for thirteen years, and-I-am of-the opinion that-he-will make a very desirable member of-your club. He began work with-us as a stenographer, and-has risen by successive steps to-the post of general manager. He-has a fine personality, and-we-feel that-it-is an honor to-have-him as a member of-our firm. Very-truly-yours,

From January until the summer we-have decided to-keep our store open on-Thursday nights until nine o’clock. It-will-be open every Thursday night until June, and-from then on we-shall close at 5.30 p.m. as-usual.

Within-the past few years, the volume of business in-the southern districts has-been much larger.

In-some industries, business has-been better-than in similar industries in-the northern and eastern districts.

Such industries as cotton textiles have shown a marked increase in-the past ten years. In-my-opinion; in-the next ten years there-will-be increases larger-than those that those that-have-been already noted.

Because-of-the lack of-rain in-some of-the western districts of Canada, dust storms have often occurred. These storms have-done much damage to farms and-crops.

Some of-the districts in-the western corn belt have-been affected. Large numbers of farms have-been covered in dust and it-has-not-been possible to-grow anything. In-many-cases, houses have-been entirely buried beneath a load of dust.

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