Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 83

Total Words=

Dear-Sirs, I-believe-that-the addressing machine shown on page 22 of-your monthly bulletin would be suitable for-my use, and-if it-is satisfactory, I-may purchase one. I should-be-glad if-you would-have one-of-your salesmen call at-my office to-tell-me more about-the machine.

Please ask-him to-phone before he comes, so-that I-may-be ready for-him. Yours-truly, There-is a train which leaves Euston for Liverpool at seven o’clock, and also a train which leaves at nine o’clock. You-can buy a return ticket for 10s. Vast changes have taken place in business and-industry in-the last ten years. I-believe-that, generally, the changes have-been for-the better.

There-is-no-doubt that wages are higher and-that, in general, people work fewer hours than formerly. However, it-is certainly true that workers have to specialize in-one line more-than ever before.

I-have gone over-the records, and-I-note-that although-the business we-have-done with some firms has-been smaller-than we hoped, the total sales have-been better-than we expected.

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