Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 17

Total Words=

When I-was in-your shop on-the Parade I-saw a different type of tyre tube.

I should like to buy four or five of-them for-my car.

I-think-you-will enjoy our show if-you-can come to see it.

I-wish-you to-make-out a cheque for-the boiler and get it off tonight by airmail.

Our failure to-do what they wish may annoy them, but how-can we-do what they ask?

The village was a mile beyond-the mouth of-the Wye.

Do-you know when Roy and Dinah are going to Cuba?

I-know-the boy would like to-go with-them.

Why was-the charge put on-my March bill?

Do-you know when-the ship may leave? It-will go out with-the tide at five.

How far do-you have to-go? Do-you wish to-come with me? You-should write your name in ink at-the bottom of-the form.

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