Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 16

Total Words=

Mary and Jack are to-be married early in March.

We wish to-go to-the wedding, but they-may-be married in Rome, and it-will-be too far away.

We-shall ask-the lawyer to-talk for an hour.

They-will take a lorry load of coal to-the shop today or tomorrow.

Wrap-the package and mail it today. We-think-we ought to insure-the package.

We-have given-them no authority to change-the policy of-the firm.

We get our milk at-the dairy farm, and-we usually pay our bill monthly.

The living room was at-the rear of-the shop.

The door was too narrow, and-we-had to remove it to-get-the large package into-the room.

Mary, whose memory was poor, read a different page of-the book each day. We-can change-the collar on-the fur wrap today, and-the lady may come in for-it tomorrow.

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