Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand New Course Exercises 51-100 Unsolved for Shorthand Students.

 Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

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Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 51
Total Words=
We have looked for a small house for you, and we think we have just the house you will wish to buy.
It has six nice rooms and two baths. The lot is large, and the house is so located that each room has a lovely view.
We think you could not buy a house in a nicer spot.
If you like we can go out to see it tonight. It will take us about forty minutes by car to get to Meadow Park.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 52
Total Words=
We have sent to you today a copy of our latest catalogue as well as some special booklets which we think you will like to have.
When any new designs are issued we shall post details to you so that you will be up to the minute.
As far as we know these designs are not stocked by anybody else in your territory, and no doubt they will be popular with your customers.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 53
Total Words=
Do you know that we sell good tyres? It is not necessary for you to buy tyres now in a repair shop, for our store now carries them.
You can buy them when you are in the store, just as you would select since, or something for your house. These tyres are good value, and they sell rapidly, each of the carries our guarantee.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 54
Total Words=
It is quite some time since you bought anything in this store. I am writing to you myself, because I should be sorry to lose your custom.
It may be that we have offended you in some way. If this is the case, I hope you will write to me.
Our service and our way of doing business are things which we boast about.
It would be a pity to stay away because of something which could be easily remedied, and you should not hesitate to write to me and let me know the cause.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 55
Total Words=
Until quite recently the volume of our business in the south was quite small, but since last
November we have had an office in Fulham, and the volume of sales has risen steadily.
Sales in this territory for January and February are the best in the history of the firm.
In these two months we have sold twice as much as in the south as we sold last year.
The fact that this is almost as much as we have sold in Manchestor shows that our new policy is entirely justified.
We feel that the results of our new policy is most satisfactory.
The race is not always to the swift. Sometimes too much haste makes for less speed.
Never waste time by having to do the same job twice.
This is useful advice, and if you will follow it , it will assist you to be successful
Write your note accurately and neatly, so that not only you, but anybody else, can read them easily.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 56
Total Words=
Recently we wrote to you and stated that, unless we received your cheque by 16th February, we should have to ask our lawyer to take steps to force you to pay the bill you owe us.
Unfortunately you have not answered our note, and now we must inform you that we have asked our lawyer to go ahead and follow the usual methods to make you pay.
We are exceedingly sorry to have to do so, but, evidently this is the only way in which we can secure our money.
We certainly feel that we have acted quite fairly with you, and, as we have said, this seems to be the only thing left for us to do.
If you mail your cheque without the slightest delay, you can avoid heavy costs, and we advise you to do so as soon as you receive this.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 57
Total Words=
I think that the way in which we store goods at the factory is not altogether satisfactory.
It seems to me that the fire insurance rates are now quite high, and I feel that the fire insurance rates are now quite high, and I feel that, with some changes in the store rooms, reduced rates might be expected.
I should like you to inspect the rooms as soon as possible, and if, as a result of your inspection, you think that our methods with respect to the storage of goods are unsatisfactory, I wish you would suggest any changes which could be put into effect.
 I wish you would let me have the different insurance policies now in force, together with the details of the scale on which the insurance rates are based, so that I can make an analysis of the annual cost.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 58
Total Words=
I shall arrive at 10 a.m on Tuesday, 12th January, unless I have to make a change. I will wire you if the time is changed.
As far as I am aware, the goods were dispatched at least a week ago.
I will look into this and give you the exact date they were sent.
Allen and royal have built up a nice business for themselves in nelson.
The success of the business is due entirely to the way in which they have worked.
A few years ago they were quite poor, but now both of them are worth a large sum of money.
What is the reason for the higher insurance rates which were put into effect last week? The rise was quite unexpected.
This state of affairs existed for a long time, despite the fact that we were not satisfied with it.
We were amused at many things he said, but he was certainly worth listening to.
He said, “You may die young because of worry, but certainly work never caused the death of anybody.”
Thank you for your note in which you stated that you were desirous of having an agency for the sale of our textiles in your city.
We have never given any firm the sole right to sell our goods, and this policy does not allow us to give you the sole agency.
We should be happy to have you retail our goods and we hope you will do so at the usual dealers’ rates.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 59
Total Words=
When may we expect the two dozen barrels of lime which were to be shipped the first week in February?
Unless we receive the lime, this week we shall have to cease work on the new road at Elm Park.
We thought we could rely on having the lime last week without fail, and your failure to get it to us it most unfortunate.
We hope that the barrels are on the way, and that you can wire us that we may expect them tomorrow.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 60
Total Words=
I wish to thank you for the catalogue which you were good enough to post to me recently.
 Several books listed on page 21 appear to be just what I am looking for.
I have marked them on the attached sheet.
 Although I think that these books should be useful to me in my work, I would like to inspect them to see if they would be satisfactory.
 Can any of the books be sent back to you if, when I have looked at them, I decide that they would not be satisfactory for my purpose?
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 61
Total Words=
The simple device saves you many hours of toil. Just fill in the attached form below and post it to us, or apply to your local dealer for details of this useful article.
Please supply me with a few samples of cloth in blue and black, which would be suitable for autumn suits.
I should be obliged if you would include a couple of sampler each of single and double widths.
Please deliver to us as early as possible fifty copies of the book entitled “Clothes and How to-Make Them.”These are to be supplied at a total cost of 20 guineas, including delivery.
We are pleased to know that you will be able to deliver some of the tables by the first of January, and that you expect to supply the rest in two weeks.
We shall be obliged if you will get enough to us by the first to enable us to make a special display of them.
I believe that many of the articles in this sale should be especially valuable to you.
For the first time in the history of the store, we are able to make them available at a reasonably low cost, and I urge you to call and inspect them as soon as possibly can. Do not wait till it is too late.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 62
Total Words=
I called the house several times, and inasmuch as each time was unable to get any reply, I think that these people were away and the house was closed.
You have not replied to our note of 4th February asking for a cheque for the goods supplied to you on 12th November.
We would like to know why you have not settled this bill.
If you wish to place your furs in cold storage we can call for then and deliver them to you when you tell us to do so.
Our charges are most reasonable.
Let us store them for you, and you will have nothing to worry about.
Most people have believed in the past that it was necessary to pay a lot of money for a good club settee.
No doubt they were right. But we can tell you now that it is not at all necessary to pay much for a good article, as we have just put on the market our easy-rest settee, which is available for only a few guineas.
Please tell us what the cost would be of a safe about four feet high and with a capacity of about forty cubic feet. The cost should include delivery to this building.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 63
Total Words=
In the belief that you will wish to stop at a simple but pleasant hotel, we have sent to you today a copy of our recently issued booklet.
The total charge for a couple per week in only 10 guineas.
This rate includes a double room. Single rooms are 5 guineas and up.
Our fare is simple but good.
People tell us that our table is first class.
They say, indeed, that s has no equal.
We doubt that it is unequalled, but we do know that we use only the best foods and that our charges and quite reasonable.
We make no charge at all for golf or swimming.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 64
Total Words=
We enclose a booklet which gives details of or plate glass window insurance.
When you renew your insurance we believe it will pay you to take out this type of will note that we are able to give you especially useful service.
As soon as we receive your claim we replace the glass.
Your claim is settled without delay, and a cheque enough to pay for all the damage, including any damage to your window display, is sent to you.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 65
Total Words=
This newspaper tries to bring to its readers the truth and nothing but the truth.
We are sorry to have to trouble you, but we notice that you have charged $22 10s 6d. for your catalogue item number 463 which you supplied to us on 16th October. In your price list the item is listed at $21 10s.6d. a credit of 1 is thus due to us.This is evidently an error in billing.
Thank you for bringing to our notice the error in the bill of 16th October for four oak chairs.
We are enclosing our credit note for $1, and we apologize for the trouble to which we have put you.
Dear, Sir, we are glad to know that you wish to be a member of our club.
As manager of the club, I wish you to feel at liberty to use our facilities until you are elected a member.
Your name is to be proposed next week. Yours truly.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 66
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs, During-the month of-April we-propose to increase-the prices of a number of-the items at-present in-the catalogue.
The increases are necessary because of the higher costs we now have to absorb.
If-your branch is going to issue a new catalogue, you should not proceed with it until you have the new prices.
Please remember that you must not issue your list until we post you the new prices. Yours-truly,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 67
Total Words=
Dear Miss Black, in April we brought out a new series of history books.
The series is for use in forms two to six.
These-books solve many problems for the teacher.
They treat the subject in a bright, practical way; and-we-think-you-will-agree-that-the series gives a new and better approach to-the subject.
With your present heavy programme, the books should enable-you to make the greatest progress with your classes.
If you would care to inspect the books, we should be glad to dispatch copies to you.
If you would give the books a trial, we know you would be delighted with the results. Yours truly.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 68
Total Words=
Dear Dr. Waters: We-are-taking-the liberty of asking-you to address our graduates on-Monday, January 29.
Our principal and teachers, as-well-as-the graduates, would-be proud to-have-you deliver an address.
As-the principal speaker on-our programme we-know-that what-you-would tell-us would-be remembered by-all-our graduates for-many-years to-come.
We-know-that-you have many calls to-speak, and-that your time is exceedingly valuable, but-we-feel that-you-will-be-able-to accept. Yours-truly,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 69
Total Words=
This paper is extremely strong. Its extra strength makes it especially suitable for-your purpose.
I-am-sorry to-have to disagree with-you, but I-believe that-it-would-be best to-make-out a separate bill for-each item delivered.
The duties of a good secretary are described in-this book. Each duty is set out separately, and fully discussed. I-believe that-this-book would-be most useful to-you.
Our catalogue describes-the different items fully. You-will-note-that each item is given a separate number.
I-believe that a large-number of-the members of-our society were surprised and displeased at-the extreme views presented by-the speaker in-his address on “The Liberty of-the Press.”
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 70
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs, We-enclose a description of-the building in Spring Street.
We-think-this building is an extremely valuable piece of-property, and-we strongly urge you to buy it. It-is quite close to-the new south road.
You-can buy it today for a small outlay, and-we-have-no-doubt that in a few years it-will increase, in value.
We-believe in-fact that in a year or-two property in-this district should-be worth double its present price. Why not inspect it as-soon-as you possibly can? Yours-truly,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 71
Total Words=
Our records show that-you have-not purchased anything in-this store for-some-time. We regard this as most unfortunate, for-we value your patronage highly. We-hope that-it-is-not due to-some unsatisfactory purchase or to-some lack of proper service. We wish to-give-you service strictly in accordance with your desires.
Several members of-the college faculty expressed the belief that-it-was absolutely necessary to include an extra course in-this-subject. Our industry prospers because-of-the direct methods we employ with our customers. We tell-them only the truth when-we describe our products.
I-think-that-we should take-the proper steps to-bring-about-the passage of-these bills relating to- labour problems, and I-believe-that care should-be exercised by-all not to obstruct this.
It-is equally true that-the recent decreases in-the prices of cheaper fabrics are expected to-results in increased sales.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 72
Total Words=
Dear-Sir, I-shall-be much-obliged if-you-will supply me with a low samples of extra strong “super” glazed paper, such-as would-be suitable for-my class of work, The colors I most desire to see are dark blue and grey.
If-the samples satisfy me, and-the prices and terms of-sale are reasonable, I-believe I-shall-be able- to-deal extensively with-you.
I-shall-be-pleased if-you-will also include in-the parcel a sample or-two of a stouter make of paper. I should like to-receive these samples by Wednesday, if-possible. Yours-truly,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 73
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs, We-are-pleased to-tell-you that-we-are-the makers of-the famous Double Strength Brakers. These brakes are believed, by-all who use them, to-be-the most reliable and-the safest of all-the makes at-present on-the market. During-the month of-April we delivered them by-the gross to dealers in-all-the principal cities.
If-you would care to-test the brakes, please call at our showrooms, to-permit a member of-our sales staff to-tell-you all about them. We-are certain that-you-will-be both surprised and pleased if-you give-them a trial. Yours-truly,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 74
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs, since you have expressed a desire to know something our-silk blouses and dresses, we-take-the-liberty of inviting you to visit our offices and salesrooms at 65 Worth Street, in-this-city.
We-shall-be-pleased to show you samples of-our styles for-this season. Our designs avoid all extremes in styles without any loss of charm.
Already record sales are reported by-the jobbers.
We-have sent our catalogue to-you by-parcel-post today.
You-will-note-that retail dealers are supplied at prices that-make a strong appeal to-them. Yours-truly.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 75
Total Words=
If-you-will bring me a supply of-samples of-this new breakfast food, I-will-try to-close-the deal with-the firm myself.
During-the course of-my lecture, I-shall try to show how-the progress of art is related to-the growth of industry.
When I-know what-the proposed water power scheme includes, I-shall-be-glad to-express my views. A load voice troubles and annoys us. Pleasant voices resemble sweet music.
Castles in-the air are fabrics which soon crumble, but dreamers have solved many a pressing problem.
Few people are able themselves to better-the labour of-those they blame.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 76
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs: Due to-the rapidly increasing cost of copper and steel. We-are-obliged to increase-the prices of-many of-the articles included in our catalogue. We extremely regret-the necessity of passing on-the higher charges to-our customers, but at-the present-time this-is-the only possible
course we-can follow. You-will-be notified when better terms are available on-our supplies, and-we-are thus enabled to-reduce-the prices. Yours-truly,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 77
Total Words=
I-am afraid that-the-measures we-have adopted are-not nearly strong enough. If-we-hope ever to-get- Mr. Crook to settle this debt, I-believe it-will-be necessary to-bring more pressure to bear on him.
The property is located on-the north-west corner of Spring Street. This-is a good spot for a store.
The price which-the owners ask is remarkably low; indeed, the property can-be purchased today for a mere trifle of-its worth. Originally, of-course the owners asked much more for-the building.
We-are sure that-you-will think favorably of-this corner, and-we-suggest that-you look it over as-soon-as-possible.
It-is near all transit facilities, and in-our-view you-could-not locate your store in a more desirable spot.
Manor Park is a delightful place in-the spring and summer. The park is full of-trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 78
Total Words=
Please type an original and a duplicate copy of-this lease for Mr. Skinner.
I-expect to fly to North Bay tomorrow, and-I-shall-be-glad if-you-will meet me on-my arrival to-tell-me everything that-is necessary about-the case.
I-regret that I-am unable-to deliver-the goods to-you sooner, nor is-the possible to say at-present when-they can-be delivered.
Are-you sure that-the enclosures were put in-the envelope? Yes, I put them in personally.
Either we-shall-have to-take more space in-some other building, or we-shall-have to-take over an entire floor in-this building.
Personally I-believe that-it-would-be better to-lease a larger floor in-some other building. Of-course,
I-shall-do nothing without your final approval.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 79
Total Words=
Dear Mr. Bridges, It-will-be a pleasure and a privilege to-speak to-your members at-the dinner to-be given at-the Hotel Webster next Friday night, 10th October. If it meets with your approval, I-shall take as my topic “The Better Use of-our Leisure Time.”
I-know-that most people believe that-they-have too-little time for play, largely because-of-the pressure of normal everyday affairs. However, nearly everybody has hours to spare, and it-is quite surprising how-much time is wasted because people think they-have no-time for leisure. In-my remarks I-shall endeavor to show that-if-is worth an effort to-make a better use of-our idle hours.Yours-respectfully,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 80
Total Words=
As we specialize in chair covers, we-are able-to offer you new summer styles at prices which-are very-low.
Our-new designs are very pleasing and-they-are sure to-meet with favour.
Things which-are worth having are worth working for. It-is-not usually possible to secure for very-little or no effort anything worth having.
It-will-be a privilege to-review this author’s new novel when-it appears next Thursday. I-shall-have very-much pleasure in reviewing it.
The fruit crop was very big last summer, largely because-of-the favorable weather, and many farmers had to-accept very-low-prices.
Our efforts to secure-the approval of-the bankers were successful. Originally they-were afraid it-would-not-be possible to act favorably in-our-case.
The officials finally decided to-make an offer for-the property near River Street.
The special price at-which-the goods are offered is-as low as any ever reached before; it scarcely covers-the cost of freight.
A circular which gives-the new prices is enclosed. You-will note that-they-are very reasonable.
There-is a noticeable decrease in-our-business for-the-month of February. Our Liverpool branch shows a drop of almost thirty per-cent.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 81
Total Words=
From all I gather, I-believe-that-the bankers themselves favour increasing-the average rate to three per-cent and-in an unofficial manner they endeavored to influence the others to adopt this course.
The author, who had travelled up-the Congo River through darkest Africa, offered to-speak to-the gathering next Friday night.
If only we receive-the lessons of adversity in a proper manner, they-are likely to show us how to-lead a useful, honorable, and successful life.
We-think-you-should-not overlook-the property being specially developed by ourselves near Riverside Manor. We should very-much like you to inspect what we-have to-offer before-you decide to buy.
Our new straws strike a fresh note in summer styles. We-think they-are-the most beautiful we-have ever offered.
We-believe that-we-had more business through our policy of selling at low-prices. From this you-will-see that-it-is essential to-supply these items for as little as-possible.
We-think-that-the figures you-give in-this estimate are incorrect. Either there-is an error in-your figures, or you-are using-the wrong grade of-leather.
Our enormous tocks have to-be moved to-make room for next season’s goods.
I-think-you-should reflect carefully before-you decide to-accept their offer. They expect a reply from-you by next Thursday.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 82
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs: We-are afraid that-we-shall-be unable-to recover-the total sum due on-your claim unless you adopt different measures. We-have used special efforts, but up to-the present we-have met with no success in-our endeavours to-get-the debtor to settle. We-are-unable to collect any money, nor can-we extract any promise from-him.
We-think-you-will-be-obliged finally to pass-the claim ever to-your attorneys. Please notify us if-you wish-us to proceed with-the case and take this step for-you. Very-truly-yours,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 83
Total Words=
Dear-Sirs, I-believe-that-the addressing machine shown on page 22 of-your monthly bulletin would be suitable for-my use, and-if it-is satisfactory, I-may purchase one. I should-be-glad if-you would-have one-of-your salesmen call at-my office to-tell-me more about-the machine.
Please ask-him to-phone before he comes, so-that I-may-be ready for-him. Yours-truly, There-is a train which leaves Euston for Liverpool at seven o’clock, and also a train which leaves at nine o’clock. You-can buy a return ticket for 10s. Vast changes have taken place in business and-industry in-the last ten years. I-believe-that, generally, the changes have-been for-the better.
There-is-no-doubt that wages are higher and-that, in general, people work fewer hours than formerly. However, it-is certainly true that workers have to specialize in-one line more-than ever before.
I-have gone over-the records, and-I-note-that although-the business we-have-done with some firms has-been smaller-than we hoped, the total sales have-been better-than we expected.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 84
Total Words=
Dear Mr. Payne, I-have-known Mr. John Lane for thirteen years, and-I-am of-the opinion that-he-will make a very desirable member of-your club. He began work with-us as a stenographer, and-has risen by successive steps to-the post of general manager. He-has a fine personality, and-we-feel that-it-is an honor to-have-him as a member of-our firm. Very-truly-yours,
From January until the summer we-have decided to-keep our store open on-Thursday nights until nine o’clock. It-will-be open every Thursday night until June, and-from then on we-shall close at 5.30 p.m. as-usual.
Within-the past few years, the volume of business in-the southern districts has-been much larger.
In-some industries, business has-been better-than in similar industries in-the northern and eastern districts.
Such industries as cotton textiles have shown a marked increase in-the past ten years. In-my-opinion; in-the next ten years there-will-be increases larger-than those that those that-have-been already noted.
Because-of-the lack of-rain in-some of-the western districts of Canada, dust storms have often occurred. These storms have-done much damage to farms and-crops.
Some of-the districts in-the western corn belt have-been affected. Large numbers of farms have-been covered in dust and it-has-not-been possible to-grow anything. In-many-cases, houses have-been entirely buried beneath a load of dust.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 85
Total Words=
I-am-going out-of town next week, and-I should like to talk with-you for half an hour before I-leave. If-you happen to-be in town this week, please call-upon me. I-shall-be in town next Thursday and-I-shall-be-glad to-call-upon you at three o’clock. I-am-enclosing a rough outline of what I propose to-do for a more active sales drive in-the-margin of anything that occurs to-you we-can talk about it when-we meet. Dear-Sir, We-have-pleasure in-enclosing a price-list and circular which fully describes our “Milton Flier.” We-believe-that this machine is-the most attractive and reliable we-have ever offered. The machine of-which-you speak is a foreign one, and our-own machine costs you only one half as-much.
Our local representative is very often in Cardiff, and-we-shall ask-him to-call-upon you and explain more fully the advantage of owing our machine. We-enclose also a list of-the people in Cardiff who-have bought this machine.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 86
Total Words=
Dear Miss Brown, On-your behalf I-have spoken to a number-of persons in-the vicinity of Woburn Park with respect to-your plots. They all agreed that building is-not very active at-this-time, and-I-think there-is-no-doubt that, if-you sold-the plots today, you would-not get more-than you paid for-them. A representative of-one-of-the local building firms said that-he believed it-would-be better to put them on-the market in-the spring. If-you approve, I-will ask-him to put-the plots on-his list for sale at not less than $500 each. This figure would-be a little above-the price you paid, and-I-think-that, even in-the spring, this-is-the most attractive offer you-can expect to-get. The firm which this man represents is one-of-the best known locally, and-I-am-sure they-will serve you to-the best advantage. Their name and address is Burn & Green, 69 Woburn Park Drive, Brighton.
I-think they-are-the largest of-the firms which-have built houses in Woburn Park. Their representative says that-they-have several plots of-their-own which they expect to-sell in-the spring. Inasmuch-as you-are out-of town, I-think it-would-be to-your advantage to-have them act on-your behalf. Yours very-truly,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 87
Total Words=
Gentlemen, Recently I-bought a book in-your book department as a gift for a friend of-mine. I-found, however, when I gave it to him that-he already has a copy of-this volume. If-you do-not mind, I-will return it and select a different book of equal value. Yours-truly,
Gentlemen, Please supply us with thirty barrels of-the same kind of Portland Cement that-you supplied to-us on-the third of-June, at-the usual trade terms. We-want this shipment delivered to-our-own pier, No, 92. Yours very-truly,
Our magazine has-been successful to an extent beyond our best hopes. It-is-now in-its third year.
In-the second year we more-than doubled the number-of readers, and-now in-its third year we-hope to treble-the number. Every month it-has-been necessary to-print more copies than-the month before. With-the current issue we-have achieved a new high mark. You-will note-that-the magazine is bigger and better-than ever, and-the number-of readers is larger-than ever.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 88
Total Words=
A man who wished to-employ a safe driver asked each applicant how near he could drive a car to-the edge of a cliff. One said a foot; a second said six-inches. The third did-not know. He had-not tried. He got-the job.
Gentlemen, You-will-see from-the enclosed statement of-your-account that settlement is very-much overdue. When-the shipment was sent to-you, you told-us would-make payment within-the usual thirty days in-fact, you stated when-we opened-the account with-you that-you planned to-take advantage of-the cash discount generally allowed for payment within ten days. You have-not observed the terms of-your agreement, and-we-feel that-we-have deserved better treatment. We-must point-out that-we-cannot run a successful business unless the generally accepted rules regarding credit are observed. We-want to-treat you fairly, but-we-cannot extend-the time for payment more-than we-have already. We-must ask-you to-accept-the draft for-the full amount due which-we-have drawn on-you through your bank today. Very-truly-yours,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 89
Total Words=
Gentlemen: Please be kind-enough to supply-the items on-the attached list as-soon-as-possible.
At-the present moment there-is an active demand for-them, and-we-hope that-we-can count on having them within three days. In-the event that-you-cannot supply them within that-time, please-inform-us by return mail.
Please-note-that-the exact items specified are to-be supplied. If-you-are out-of stock of any of-the items, do-not supply different articles. Anything that-is-not exactly as specified must be returned. Yours-truly,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 90
Total Words=
Gentlemen, Kindly let-me-have your-price for printing a hundred copies of-the enclosed circular. I should prefer a better grade of paper provided the cost is-not too high. I should-be-glad if-you would telephone your-price to-us as-we-are in a hurry. Yours very-truly,
Gentlemen, We-are-sorry to-learn that two of-the books we recently sent to-you were faulty.
Apparently they-were either printed or bound incorrectly. If-you-will kindly return them to-us, we-can obtain credit for-them ourselves. In-the-meantime, we-are mailing-you our credit memorandum for-the cost of-the books plus the cost of-mailing them to-us. Very-truly-yours,

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 91
Total Words=
Stenography is a one hundred per-cent subject. By-that I mean that you must achieve perfect accuracy if you are to be of use in a business office. You must remember that a business man does-not want a typist who can type his correspondence with only a few errors. You must be able to give him only perfect work, perfectly typed and properly arranged.
If you wish to make sure that you will in advance in your business career, you should strive to develop the habit of accuracy from the beginning of your training.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 92
Total Words=
We are planning a special sale of house furnishings during October, and we have decided to keep the store open until nine o’clock next Friday evening so that husband and wife may visit the store together.
You will thus be able to inspect the merchandise we are offering before the opening of the sale on Monday.
Everything in this sale is being sold at a very low margin of profit.
There are many splendid pieces which will be sold at bargain prices.
We are sure you will find many articles which you have always wanted to buy, but which have been too dear.
By spending very little you can furnish several rooms or refurnish your entire house.
We can easily make arrangements to finance your purchases on a partial payment if you prefer.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 93
Total Words=
The expense of making long distance telephone calls is not so great n the late evening.
Night messages may also be sent by telegraph at reduced rates.
Steps should be taken to profit by the statement of accounts just furnished by our auditor.
It has been found necessary to reduce expenses in our plant, and it is clear that we shall have to be more strict in our demands if a more favorable balance is to be shown.
If you can come to town before the first of the month, anything you have to say relating to the new arrangements can be discussed with the officials responsible for making loans.
Bold is sometimes shipped from a country to balance that country’s foreign accounts.
Great case is taken to guard these shipments. When the ship reaches dock, the bars of gold are shipped at once to the vault of a bank.
Those responsible for the shipment take no chances, and the gold is guarded from the moment it leaves the ship.
You wife and children took the noon train to the country, and they will return about seven o’clock this evening.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 94
Total Words=
Your note about the German bonds has been referred by the president to our foreign department.
Broken by the violence of the wind and the pounding of the waves, the vessel ran aground off point pleasant.
The engines of the airplane roared, the machine moved up the runway, left the ground, circled three times above the crowd, and then began its flight to France.
The fire engines responded to the sudden summons, but they were too late to prevent the flames mounting to the top floor.
By a special arrangement with the hospital departments, many young children between the ages of four and eleven went to the country last year.
Some of them travelled by bus, and others were sent by train.
Those who are responsible for the care of these children had a very difficult task, but there were no accidents and everything went splendidly.
Owing to the expense of the journey, large numbers who deserved to go were disappointed and remained in town all the summer.
Through the kind assistance of several men and women who have large amounts to the funds, it was possible to provide extra relief.
We are making plans to have more children spend a month in the country next summer.
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 95
Total Words=
Dear Mr. Freeman, I have recently examined the accounts of your department, and I find several expensive items with nothing to show why the amounts have been spent. I think it would be advisable to make a special reference against any such itmes, so that the reasons for the payments would be perfectly clear, I don’t want to be unduly critical, or unreasonable in my demands but your branch has shown disappointing returns this year, and, as you know, it is necessary to preserve a proper balance between expenses and earnings.
We agreed last April to discuss any unusual expenses before they were incurred, and I must ask you to observe our agreement. Very truly yours.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 96
Total Words=125
Gentlemen, We-have-been out of touch with our firm for some time through no fault of our own.
Permit us to suggest that it would be advisable and certainly more profitable for you if your salesman would call more often.
It is extremely difficult to keep up the sales of cotton print goods unless something is done to keep in close touch with the buyers.
It is known that your lines are as attractive as the others, and you ought to have no great difficult in proving that fact.
We know that you will regard the hint we have offered as nothing but evidence of our kind feelings for you. Very truly yours,
Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 97
Total Words=
This firm furnished excellent references, so we think we should extend the time for payment of the balance due on their account.
The young man stands a very good chance of obtaining the post of assistant manager of the bond department owing to the splendid training he has received.
Please provide us with a memorandum of all merchandise which is subject to a special allowance.
The rough draft serves to show how the use of the telephone has been extended during the last seven years.
Several of the students have been taken out of the second grade and we plan to make other arrangements for those who remain.
Your statement is returned because the amount of the discount which you have deducted is not correct.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 98
Total Words=144
Gentlemen, We would be ungrateful indeed if we did not accept your kind hint.
As a direct result we have planned a series of trips for our representatives which will bring them into closer touch with our customers all over the country.
Our men are leaving at once with samples of our advance lines.
 They will explain to you the reasons for the apparent slackness we have shown during the past season.
It has been one of much stress for us, and we are inclined to think you will make the proper allowances when you learn the reason.
You will be glad to know that the new lines to be shown to you have been favorable received in the east.
They are of splendid value, and are sold at prices that give us a very low margin of profit. Yours very truly,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 99
Total Words=
Your attention is called to the fact that students must register for the summer session before 4th May.
In this division we insist on a written final examination in every extension course.
Thank you for the explanation for the different itmes on your statement.
I am enclosing my remittance in full payment of the account.
Because of business expansion, it will be necessary to employ more people.
It is our intention to engage only those who have had a thorough professional training.
In some large firms, typists work in a general correspondence division.
Somebody is usually appointed who is responsible for the work of this department.
The different members of the firm do not have their own private secretaries.
Instead a girl is assigned to them by the person who has the supervision of the correspondence division.
This arrangement prevents waste of time.
I expect to travel to Bristol tomorrow to attend the National Business Show.
Please reserve a seat for me on the train which leaves at 09:30 a.m. and wire a reservation for a room at the Barnes Hotel.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 100
Total Words=
The selection of a vocation is not an easy task.
Generally it should be to your advantage to secure assistance from somebody who specializes in vocational counsel.
A discussion with such a person should assist you to make up your mind.
Almost without exception, entrance examinations for those who wish to train for the professions are difficult.
Our gift shop and notions section are two departments of the store which have some exceptional values just now.
You will find it easy to make a selection, for there is a wide choice.
If you wish to select some books to take with you on your vacation, we have a wide range of new fiction in our book section.
The Chairman said: I should like to have an expression of opinion from the floor. A motion to go ahead with the transaction was seconded and approved.
A reception at the station is to be planned for the flyer who has just returned from South America.
To the best of my recollection, there was no intention of charging a registration fee for this course.
In anticipation of increased sales, we are opening a branch of our business in the southern section of the city.

We have selected favorable location, and we believe that our chances are exceptionally bright.

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