Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand New Course Exercises 101-140 Unsolved for Shorthand Students.

 Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

0303-4399996 0327-0577772


Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 101
Total Words=
Dear Mr Newman, We are having a celebration on 14th October to mark the anniversary of the founding of our college.
On this occasion there will be a dinner, and in addition there will be several addresses by people whose reputation is nation wide.
One of these talks is to be delivered by John Goschen, whose reputation is as an author is second to none.
A presentation to Mr. Goschen has been in expectation that you will wish to attend, I am enclosing a ticket.
Additional tickets may be obtained from the secretary upon application.
We are restricting invitations to past and present students. Yours  respectfully.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 102
Total Words=
Dear Sir, to a wider distribution of our book “Educational Occupation for Children”, we are making for this month only, quite a reduction in the price.
As a special attraction we have issued a presentation edition in leather which sells for only one guinea.
Bound in imitation leather, the book costs 17s. 6d.
The book would be a very valuable addition to your library.
It gives full directions for many educational occupations for children of all ages, and, through, the use of excellent illustrations, all the directions are very simple.
If you like, we can dispatch the book to you for your approval, and if you decide to return it, you may do so without any obligation. Very truly yours.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 103
Total Words=
Please call Mr. Nation on the telephone, and tell him that the illustrations are nearly ready.
Mention that they will be delivered tomorrow.
The addition to the nation’s population during the year exceeded any increase in former years.
Many of the people in the organization believe that the situation is so bad that the opposition faces defeat in the national election.
Doctor Foster remarked: “By all means take a vacation, and exercise caution to avoid any more colds”.
Dear Sir, We are pleased to inform you that your application for admission to the College of Physicians and Surgeons has been accepted.
Your references have been carefully examined, and the result of our investigation has been entirely to our satisfaction.
We may say that the information now is our possession reflects very much to your credit. Very truly yours.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 104
Total Words=
Dear Doctor Brown, I wish to make application for the position of secretary, details of which appear in today’s “Tribune”.
I am 21 years of age. I received a good business education, and obtained an honours diploma in stenography.
For the past two years I have acted as secretary to Doctor Brewster, who is, I think, known to you.
During this time I have carried out the usual office duties, and, in-addition I have taken the doctor’s special dictation.
I know that my employer is satisfied with my services.
I should like, however, to secure a position in my own town.
Doctor Bewster has kindly given me permisision to refer you to him for any information regarding my ability.
If you wish me to tell you anything more to assist you in making a decision I shall be glad to do so. Yours truly.
 Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 105
Total Words=98
Gentlemen, Your representative called on-us yesterday, and gave us full information regarding your publications.
We were not able yesterday to make a final decision, but upon reflection we feel that we can display to advantage certain of the titles in your catalogue.
Please deliver to us at once a dozen copies each of A dictionary of Education; Public Finance; Corporation Law.
If you have no objection, we shall return any of these books which we find do not sell readily.
Please keep us informed of any new books which are published by your organization. Very truly yours.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 106
Total Words=133
Gentlemen, Because of our decision to erect a building of our own, we shall not be in a position to renew our lease when it expires next year.
Permit us to take this occasion to thank you for the many courtesies you have always extended to us.
Preparations for the erection of our new offices and salesrooms are going ahead nicely, but there is just a chance that our new building may not be ready before the expiration of our lease.
We wish to make provision for any unexpected delays, and if you do not object, we should like to have your permission to remain in this building, if necessary, for not more than three months, at the present rental. We hope you will have no objection to this arrangement. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 107
Total Words=87
Gentlemen: We think we are in a position to assist you to tell in what direction your promotion work may best be extended. As you are no doubt aware, our organization has given many years of attention to problems of distribution of every description, and the information in our possession is very reliable.
We believe that you would find a discussion of the problem with our Mr. Jones of value to you.
He will be glad to receive an invitation from you to call. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 108
Total Words=114
Dear Sir: With the small amount of information in our possession, we are unable to give you a definite decision on your application for a loan. You make no mention at all of any provision for expansion at your present factory, nor do you tell us if you have any intention of taking over the operation of more machines.
However, we believe that the proposition is certainly worth discussion, but, of course, action must wait till you furnish us with additional information about your plans.
We suggest that you call at our office sometime during the next few days, to permit us to go over every angle of the situation with you. Yours truly,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 109
Total Words=
The bearer of this note, Mr. James White, is a close personal friend of mine. He is travelling to Canada, and he will be in Glasgow for a few days before sailing.
I want Mr. White to meet you, for I know that you will be glad to number him among your acquaintances.
For this reason I do not feel that I am imposing on your kindness in asking you to show Mr. White some of the important sights of the city.
I think that you and he should find yourselves fully in accord on most subjects.
You have always been in sympathy with our child training campaign by which we try to put as many children as possible in camp for a few weeks each summer.
Our campaign has now started again, and we enclose a book of seals. These stamps cost you only. As you know, these children are cared for by councilors who give their services free, and every penny collected in our campaign is spent on the children.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 110
Total Words=117
Gentlemen, We have received a request for a quotation on a large quantity of news print paper, but it is impossible for us to supply the paper from our own bills because we cannot make it up on rollers as is called for in the inquiry.
We know that you have the equipment for making very large quantities of this type of paper, quickly if necessary, and we should be glad if you would quote your best trade terms per hundred pounds for paper delivered exactly according to the attached specifications. As we wish to reply to the inquiry as quickly as possible, it is important that we receive your quotation by return mail. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 111
Total Words=198
Dear Sir, We were especially pleased to receive your inquiry, and we are glad to have the opportunity to tell you something about our new and improved water heater.
It is described fully in the enclosed circular. However, if the circular does not give you all the information you require, please write to us again, and we shall be glad to give you additional information on any particular points.
We do not know whether you wish to use gas or oil, but you will note that the price is the same for either type.
This heater has been so greatly improved that the saving in the cost of operation is anywhere from a quarter to a half of the former cost.
These heaters are now on display by dealers everywhere throughout the country, and we suggest that you inspect them at the first opportunity.
Your local dealer would be glad to tell you which heater would be adequate for your requirements for it is important to have the right size.
He would be glad to give you also particulars of the cost of institutions.
We have returned the stamps which you enclosed with our inquiry. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 112
Total Words=
Will you kindly let me know where I might obtain a copy of the book published some time ago which embodied the results of an investigation by several scholars into the importance of physical training. I cannot find it anywhere.
I shall catch the three o’clock train from town. Will you be able to meet me at the station? I should be unwilling to impose on your kindness, and I do not know whether you will be free to meet me.
If my request is an imposition, please ignore it. While I was delighted to learn how well the scholars did in the history examination, I was not greatly surprised in view of the great care with which their preparation was planned.
While I am quite willing to believe that his method of shipment is an improvement, and that there would be an important saving, I think we should wait until we have had an opportunity to tell whether it will be satisfactory, Meanwhile, I think the largest portion of our shipments should go according to the usual method. 
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 113
Total Words=
Habits may be good or bad, helpful or harmful.
We think it would be fairer if all helped the Neighborhood Workers Club according to their means.
Everyone cannot give an equal amount.
Some people could give more than others.
Perhaps this particular opportunity may not occur again, and we shall be greatly surprised if you don’t hasten to accept.
The gentleman to whom the house was leased was quite surprised to receive a request for higher rent.
In the Wall street district of Manhattan the great height of the buildings makes the streets seem smaller than they actually are.
On Sundays and holidays, when the streets are deserted, the buildings are even more imposing they take on the appearance of tall cliffs.
The good secretary does not always have her hat on in readiness to leave the office at five o’clock. There are times when important correspondence must be answered, and she should show here loyalty to her employer and help him by not leaving the office until the replies are in the post.
She should hold herself in readiness for these occasions. In the average office they do not occur often.

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 114
Total Words=118
Gentlemen, We wish to acquire several pieces of land in Hamilton near the property we now hold, for the purpose of housing the whole of our assembling work in a new plant which we propose to erect.
Perhaps you will tell us promptly if you hear of any land to be offered for sale, and thus give us an opportunity to investigate.
We are anxious to begin work on our new plant this autumn.
If we do not purchase the land within the next two months, there is every likelihood that we shall have to postpone operations until the spring.
Any information you may obtain for us will be a very great help. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 115
Total Words=135
Dear Sir, When you hang up your hat and begin to answer the pile of correspondence awaiting you on your desk, have you ever thought of what happens when our mail is received by the person to whom it is addressed? Remember that the first impression your correspondent receives is from the notepaper he holds in his fingers.
Most business men believe in the value of appearances, and pay great attention to most things which place their firm high in the estimation of their correspondents, but it is surprising how many quite overlook the opportunity paper offers of expressing the standing of their firm.
We hope you will exercise care with this particular detail. Perhaps you will permit us to quote for quantity lots on our “Distinctive Bond” according to your requirements. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 116
Total Words=
Gentlemen: We are anxious to receive the package of pens which according to your invoice of November 14 was sent by mail five days ago. We presume that the package was sent by registered post.
In answer to our inquiry, the post office here says that the package has not yet been received. Do you think that there has been a mistake in addressing the package? Yours very truly,
Gentlemen: We are sorry to learn that the package we sent to you by registered post on November 14 has not been received.
Promptly upon receipt of your note we sent a duplicate package. It is possible, of course that the package was incorrectly addressed, but we do not think that there is any likelihood that this is the case. We are asking the postal authorities to institute a search for the lost package, and no doubt they will be able to find it.
Meanwhile, if the original package is delivered to you, will you kindly return it to us. The cost of postage will be sent to you, or you can make an adjustment in your account when you post your cheque. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 117
Total Words=
The house is equipped with standard fixtures, and every need in a modern home is filled.
The attached card, when filled in and mailed, will bring you a detailed statement of the cost of this heater installed in your home.
Merchandise bought from the middle to the end of the month will be billed to you in February.
These bonds were sound, and at the current prices you will be assured of a satisfactory yield.
I telephoned your office today, and told them that we need the thousand posters quickly. Please send them to us as soon as possible.
Dear Madam, Undoubtly your child or children will need a number of play suits this summer.
The suits described in the enclosed circular are most attractive. They are designed for hard wear, and you will note that the prices are quite reasonable.
The prices are so moderate that you can afford to buy two instead of one at the ordinary prices. They are made up in sizes for children two to ten year old. Just indicate on the form how many you need, and they will be delivered to you promptly. Very truly yours,

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 118
Total Words=
We have credited your account with the thousand yards of felt that you do not need and have sent back to us.
You will not be able to select a better territory in which to locate your factory.
We wrote to the bank and we received word that as they were not able to collect the second note they had not tried to collect the third.
He told us that he would send us a remittance, but that he could not undertake to pay the whole debt while trade was so uncertain.
Thank you for your promptness in sending the thousand feet of copper wire. We are enclosing our cheque which covers our outstanding indebtedness.
The last shipment was short by a hundred pounds, and our account should be credited for the amount of the shortage.
Will you please try to find for me a report of the total imports and exports through the Port of Vancouver during the last year?
The best illustrated on page 4 is every smart, and it is the sort of belt which would look well with a sports outfit.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 119
Total Words=
It is often felt that a speed of 80 words a minute in shorthand is adequate for ordinary business purposes.
However, some employers require a higher degree of skill, and they will not employ a stenographer who cannot write 120 words a minute.
When you leave school, with a certificate which states that you have passed a test dictated at perhaps 80 words a minute, you must remember that you are not fully equipped to meet every demand of the business world, and you should endeavour to improve your skill and your knowledge.
If you wish to secure a position which pays a good salary, you should acquire a speed of at least a hundred words a minute on all types of dictation.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 120
Total Words=
Perhaps the most important asset of a good stenographer is a sound knowledge of words.
You should know the meanings of as many words as possible as well as the shorthand outlines for them.
This is your stock in trade, so to speak. An excellent method of increasing your knowledge of words your shorthand skill is to write articles dictated from a newspaper or magazine.
If you do not know the meanings of some of the words, look them up in a dictionary immediately.
If you cannot do this at once, place a circle around these words, and find out their meanings when an opportunity presents itself.
A very good way to increase your knowledge of shorthand outlines is to read plenty of literature written in shorthand. Always be sure to look up the meanings of any words you do not understand.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 121
Total Words=110
Dear Mr. Wilson, I fear that it will not be possible for me to attend the discussion next Thursday night.
I have just received word that I must make a trip out of town, and I do not expect to return before Friday.
However, if it is possible for me to attend I shall certainly do so, for I wish to show my support of your plans.
I am sending my cheque for five pounds which is to be applied towards the building fund.
You will understand the spirit in which it is sent, and my name need not be mentioned when you acknowledge the gift. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 122
Total Words=131
Gentlemen: Please inform us immediately when we may expect the lighting fixtures we ordered from you on October 7, for the apartment house we are now building.
According to our understanding at that time, you were to deliver them towards the end of the month, but you have failed to do so.
It is distinctly understood, of course, that the delay is not intentional on your part, but we have received no word from you.
Please do not hesitate to inform us if you are not able to make immediate delivery.
We think you will not misunderstand our attitude when we say that you cannot deliver them immediately we shall have to get them elsewhere.
Work is now being delayed, and we simply cannot afford to wait. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 123
Total Words=
We have not heard from you regarding you order for calenders.
About a month ago we sent you a folder which illustrated the attractive designs we have prepared for the Christmas trade.
It would be well to place your order as early as possible to make sure that the calenders will be delivered in time.
Perhaps this year you would like to substitute a small bill holder.
We can supply them in imitation leather in gross lots at very moderate prices.
Thank you for your letter of yesterday. We are glad to receive your reminder that our order for calenders should be in hand.
Will you please send us further particulars of the bill holders? We may change this year, and distribute them instead of the calendars.
If you will attend to this matter immediately, we will send our order by return mail.
We are afraid that we are later this year in placing our order, but we are sure that we may rely upon receiving the calendars or bill holders by the latter part of this month.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 124
Total Words=
Dear, Mr. Alexander, We are sending you this reminder that on and after 1st February the price of the Porter Car, with the new sixteen cylinder motor, will be advanced.
We suggest that you enter yours order immediately, so that you may secure your car at the current price.
You need not take delivery of the car at once. If you prefer, you can place your order now, at the present price, and you may take delivery of the car several months later.
We do not think you will ever have another opportunity of buying one of these beautiful cars at the current price, and we suggest that you permit our representative to call and interview you about the matter.
We enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your reply. Very truly yours,

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 125
Total Words=
We think there is not longer any doubt that within the next few year the motion picture industry will undergo a marked change.
We are informed that the natural gas industry has a wonderful future.
Please do not ship the remainder of our order until the latter part of September.
We can send you information of a general nature only.
If you need further particulars, therefore, it would be better to arrange for an interview with the writer of this letter.
Our sales increased in November and December, and we hope that the improvement will be maintained for the remainder of the winter.
Educators in the past few years have taken great interest in the development of character, for it is believed that the nations’ future depends upon the character of its citizens rather than upon their knowledge.
I am interested in your refrigerator. Will kindly send a full description of it, as well as the total cost installed in my home.
I wish to install a refrigerator not later than the end of this week, so I shall be obliged if you will let me have this information promptly upon receipt of this letter.
The invention of the typewriter rendered shorthand a very valuable art.
In order to meet the demands of the business world, it is necessary to be an accurate shorthand writer and a skillful operator of the typewriter.
The two subjects are sometimes called the twin arts.
The object of your shorthand training is to enable you to take dictation so that you may write the matter dictated rapidly.
In order that you may acquire a high degree of skill in writing from your shorthand notes, you should typewrite the letters or other matter dictated in your lessons as often as you possibly can.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 126
Total Words=
Within the last few years the number of motor scooters making their way along the roads of our country has been rapidly increasing, and we think there is very little doubt that this method of travel has a great future.
The motor scooter has in many cases replaced the bicycle of earlier days, because it is swifter and smarter.
It has many supporters especially in the remoter districts which are out of the way of the railways, where it represents a means of bringing people into closer touch with the large centres.
Because of the small size of the motor scooter which renders it easy to manage on narrow roads many people are favourable disposed towards it.
This feature can be better understood if we picture a large vehicle seeking to pass a scooter on a narrow road.
Those who object to motor scooters do so because, in their opinion, motor scooters are adding to the amount of traffic already on our roads.
But the scooter is safer and less noisy than the motor cycle, and will , we think, increase its popularity in the future. 
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 127
Total Words=
My Dear-Sir: On behalf of our clients, Messrs. Cantor and Walters, who have requested us to represent their interests in the matter of the leasehold on the building at 129 Wharf Street, we wish to inform you that we have their permission to obtain a court order, under the terms of which you will not be able to alter the front of the building.
We think there is no doubt that the terms of the lease have been violated, and in our opinion it will be to your interest to stop any further operations until a decision has been rendered by the court. Very truly yours,

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 128
Total Words=
Dear Mr. Taylor, this letter will introduce to you Mr. Robert P. Johnson, who is in your city on business for his, company.
His firm has undertaken a contract of some magnitude in the planning of a community centre for this city, and consequently Mr. Johnson is anxious to study at firsthand what has been accomplished in your city.
I am confident that you will do all you can to make Mr. Johnson comfortable while he is with you, and I shall consider all that you do for him a very great favour to me. Sincerely yours.
Gentlemen, In reponse to your communication of 14th September we are sorry to say that we cannot consider your request for an exclusive agency for the sale of our goods in your city.
It is contrary to our policy to restrict the sale of our merchandise to any one wholesale firm in a city, and for this reason we cannot take advantage of your offer.
We are sure that you will recognize that, in fairness to all our dealers, it is impossible to make a departure from our policy.
If you will continue to handle our goods at the usual wholesale terms, we are sure that you will be completely satisfied with your sales.
The new lines we have recently introduced have met with considerable favour all over the country, and we are confident that they will sell to your complete satisfaction. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 129
Total Words=
Gentlemen, As a consequence of your inconsistent conduct in the matter of our contract, we are compelled in self defence to state that unless you can complete the order by the end of the month, the business must at once be transferred, as the delays which have occurred have placed us in considerable difficulties.
At our interview in September, when you signified your willingness to undertake the contract, you were confident that you could deliver half the goods by the end of October and the balance by the first of December.
These conditions were not complied with so far as the part of the agreement was concerned, and, on our complaining about the unnecessary delay, you stated that the whole would be delivered by December.
It is now the 14th, and in the interval we have communicated with you on several occasions without the desired result.
We have come to the conclusion that future contracts should be placed with one of your competitors.
The significance of this should not be lost upon you, and it will be to your advantage to fulfill your obligations without further delay. Yours-truly,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 130
Total Words=
Gentlemen: We received your communication of the 14th, in which you complain of the delay in the completion of your contract.
That we have failed to accomplish what we promised we must admit, and we very much regret our failure.
We are confident, however, that the contract could have been completed as agreed upon but for the recent trouble with the Commercial Transport Committee, which was immediately responsible for the delay.
Their decision interfered considerably with our business, and when we state that only thirty of our transport men have continued at work, we think you will recognize how difficult it has been to satisfy our customers.
It is unnecessary for us to ad that we should regret the transfer of your business, considering the long connection between us, and the cause of the present interruption. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 131
Total Words=
Will you kindly forward instructions concerning the transfer of your stock certificates?
Several circumstances rendered it impossible to accomplish much at the last meeting of the committee. We are therefore trying to secure another hearing.
The majority of the members of the committee are of the opinion that inasmuch as the improvement is still in the experimental stage, it should not be adopted until it has been tried further.
Consequently, we think we shall be compelled to content ourselves with the publication of a minority report.
Please forward to us one dozen men’s sweaters in assorted colours, size 36. We are forwarding to you today six women’s woollen scarves.
We ordered tem on the understanding that we would have the privilege of returning them if we found there was not sufficient demand for them.
There is no prospect whatever of selling them, so there is no reason for keeping them in stock any longer.
Probably the illustrations will be completed tomorrow morning.
Will you please advise us whether you wish us to charge each illustration individually, or shall we just send one bill giving the total cost?

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 132
Total Words=
The rise in prices is governed by circumstances beyond our control.
In all probability there will be a drop in price when the supply is sufficient to meet the demand.
A report covering the export and import trade is issued annually by the Government, through the Department of Commerce.
Most of the large department stores advertise regularly in the daily newspapers.
Whenever they hold a special sale, and particularly at Christmas and Easter, when people do more shopping than usual, the stores increase the size of their advertisements.
It would be interesting to know whether the additional sales are sufficient to cover the expense of advertising.
Evidently it is sufficiently profitable, for the stores have a method of estimating fairly accurately whether they are getting full value from their advertising campaigns.
In addition to regular newspaper advertising, many of the stores advertise by direct mail, that is, they send announcements to individual customers calling their attention to special offerings.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 133
Total Words=
The majority of us agree in the matter of recognizing and admitting that the cheerfulness of others has often been instrumental in helping and comforting us in trying circumstances.
Some people seem to think that cheerfulness is the result of thoughtlessness, but fortunately these individuals are in the minority.
To our way of thinking, cheerfulness is generally the result of thoughtfulness and kindly feelings of friendship.
Bearing in mind our thankfulness for cheerful and friendly words in time of trouble, we should persistently strive to avoid complaining or whining about hardships.
The popularity of a cheerful personality, and the unpopularity of those individuals who carry with them an air of hopelessness and cheerlessness, is instructive.
But apart from helping others, we benefit ourselves from a psychological and physiological point of view, as it is a fact that health can be improved through a mental attitude of optimum and cheerfulness.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 134
Total Words=
Dear Sir: Your letter dated the 4th reached us this morning.
Your instructions have been noted, but we are afraid that it will not be possible to make all the alterations contained in your memorandum and have the book ready by the end of this month.
However, we fully recognize the desirability of having the publication completed at an early date, and we are requesting our printer to hasten the setting and printing as much as possible.
The inscription will be placed after the title page, as you desire.
Proofs of the last chapters will be forwarded to you within a few days.
Announcements will be published in next Saturday’s papers to the effect that a new novel by a prominent writer will shortly appear.
Please tell us if you would rather have us use your name in the announcement. Very truly yours.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 135
Total Words=
Dear Sir, We are sending you herewith a final notification that the quarterly premium on your insurance policy number 42,691 is payable on 25th-March, that is, in two days.
Two previous notices have been sent to you.
You will realize the danger of permitting the policy to lapse through neglecting to pay the premium in time.
Serious financial loss may be the result of such neglect. Very truly yours,
Dear Sir, Experience shows that very frequently is courteous note pointing out that an account is overdue results in prompt settlement.
No doubt you have neglected to pay your bill through carelessness, but you will note that the account really should have been paid some time ago.
We should appreciate receiving your remittance at the earliest possible moment.
Your cooperation in this matter will be very much appreciated. Very truly yours,
Gentlemen, We are now carrying a complete line of radios and pianos in our furniture department.
Many different makes are represented in the instruments we are showing, and you will thus have a convenient opportunity of seeing and comparing the various makes.
You may purchase any instrument you desire and you can pay for it at your convenience in easy installments. Cordially yours,
Gentlemen, We sent you today the following telegram: “Material received has wrong finish.
Exchange for quality specified in order.”
We would appreciate your shipping the material of the correct quality and finish immediately. Yours truly,
Gentlemen, We frequently have inquires for outdoor furniture in our hardware department, and we believe that it would be worth showing a limited variety of garden chairs and tables, etc.
Will you kindly ask your representative to call when he is in this neighborhood to give us a few suggestions? Sincerely yours,
 Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 136
Total Words=
You may be interested in the following theory concerning the periodic appearance of depression in almost all branches of trade.
Experience shows that the most probable cause of this common trouble is that prices have suddenly fallen, after a period of speculation during which prices have been unusually high.
The high prices occasioned during the period of speculation may have resulted from the expectation of a shortage in the supply of some particular commodity, or some other similar cause.
Eager buying helps to produce the expected rise in prices, and the first buyers seem to have the ability to make huge profits.
Their success encourages others, and the speculative spirit spreads to all commodities.
Borrowers use all their credit, bankers are willing to lend, and a general spirit of recklessness prevails.
After a while, however, the upward trend of prices ceases.
When those who hold stocks wish to realize, a reaction comes and prices begin to fall.
They start falling so rapidly that everyone seems to be losing.
Credit is obtained only with great difficulty.
No one will part with ready money, or postpone his claim to it.
Merchants cannot meet their obligations, and many firms fail because they are unable to obtain the credit to which they are accustomed.
This is what we call a commercial crisis.
In extreme cases there is added a financial panic as groundless as the former over confidence and money is borrowed for short periods at a ruinous rate of interest.
Prices of commodities and stocks then fail as much below the usual level as they had risen that level during the period of inflation.
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 137
Total Words=
William J. Anderson, who is a professor at Acadia University, has recently compiled book of quotations from Shakespeare.
An examination of the book shows that we do not have to go to the theatre to hear the language of Shakespeare, for we use his terms and phrases constantly in our everyday speech.
We are so familiar with the many convenience which science has put within our reach that we do not realize or appreciate the debt we owe to science.
Constant use and familiarity with the various time saving and labour saving devices tend to make us overlook their tremendous value.
The contributions to our comfort and convenience by men of scientific training are continuous, and they have made the modern world a wonderful place to live in.
The treasurer prepares a statement of the financial condition of the company annually.
This statement is usually sent to the stockholders in the case of a public corporation.
A comparison with previous annual reports, or balance sheets, shows whether the year’s trading has been more or less profitable.
It is the practice of large insurance firms to invest the bulk of their funds in first mortgages on buildings, homes, and farms.
It is considered that real estate is less liable to sudden changes in value, and therefore, there is less danger of the companies having to suffer any financial loss through a sudden drop in the value of their holdings.
Dear Sir: Will you please consider my application for the position of treasurer in your organization.
I believe that I have the necessary qualification and experience, and I enclose a summary of them for your information.
If it is convenient, I shall appreciate an opportunity to discuss my application with you, and any questions you may desire to ask can be answered fully during the course of our interview. Yours respectfully,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 138
Total Words=
The enclosed bill, received this morning, with your shipment, is returned because you have listed two items which have not been received.
Will you kindly send us your bill for only the items received and another bill for the remainder of the shipment when it is dispatched?
Yesterday we received your cheque in settlement of your December bill.
We did not notice when we forwarded it to our bank that the two amounts on the cheque did not agree.
One is for $39, and the other is for $38, and our bank has just called our attention to the error.
Your bank will not cash the cheque, of course, unless the amounts agree.
May we please have another cheque?
Gentlemen, We received this morning your cheque for $300, and also your post dated cheque for $200.
This arrangement for the settlement of your account is satisfactory.
We have also received your order, but inasmuch as the balance of $200 will not be paid until a month hence, we do not think you should expect us to extend additional credit for another $125, the amount of your present order, until the old debt is fully paid.
We suggest, therefore, that you permit us to forward a draft for the $125 to the National Bank and Trust Company of your city, covering the amount o this shipment. Very truly yours,
Gentlemen, if you do not need all the goods ordered now, why not let us send us those items which you need for your immediate requirements, and forward your cheque covering the amount of those items?
We shall be very glad to give our immediate attention to any part of the order that you instruct us to send on this basis, and we hope that within a month at two your account which will be in such a condition that we can add further charges covering future orders. Very truly yours,
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 139
Total Words=
There are over 2,000,000 motor trucks today transporting annually about 1,800,000,000 tons of freight, including almost 200,000,000 tons of farm produce.
Over 20 billion dollars is invested in public utilities in the United States.
Of this total over 5 billion dollars is invested in power and light companies.
Yesterday, Professor Jackson, the distinguished economical, aroused a great deal of attention by his article on the savings bank question which is now receiving so much attention from the various political party leaders.
The National Bank of Commerce has finally completed its arrangements for taking over the business of the Hamilton Trust Company with its total deposits of more than $8,000,000.
7000 stockholders of the General Construction Company will share in the dividends just declared by the directors.
The dividends are $40,000 to the preferred and $2,500,000 to the common stock holders.
The “Journal of Commerce” for the current month publishes an article on the proposed merger of several large steel and iron companies.
This article calls attention to the fact that government officials in the Department of Trade and Commerce have approved the merger upon the recommendation of the Board of Railway Commissioners.
Professor-Thomas of the Treasury Department of the Canadian Government states that he believes there will be no opposition from either of the political parties to the proposed income tax rates.

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 140
Total Words=
Belgium is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
Within an area of a little more than 11,500 square miles is confined a population of 9,100,000.
The mainland and adjacent islands of Japan cover an area nearly 183,000 square miles, and have 92,400,000 inhabitants.
The British Commonwealth of Nations has a population of 629,000,000 spread over nearly 15,000,000 square miles.
We enclose an analysis of the financial position of several mortgage and insurance companies whose stocks, we believe, are worth your attention.
While the income from them is not large, we feel nevertheless, that the stocks are quite attractive.
You will note that in every case the current dividend are earned many times over, and, inasmuchas the amounts set aside for reserves are becoming larger each year, it is probable that higher dividends will shortly be paid to the stockholders.
We should welcome an opportunity of serving you, and careful and prompt attention will be given to any orders you may wish to place Very truly yours,
Dear Sir, The pavement in this street has become broken in several places, thereby causing considerable inconvenience to the people in this neighborhood.
Will you kindly have someone from you department inspect the damage, and have the necessary repairs made? We trust that you will give this matter your earlier attention. Very truly yours, 

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