Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 94

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Your note about the German bonds has been referred by the president to our foreign department.

Broken by the violence of the wind and the pounding of the waves, the vessel ran aground off point pleasant.

The engines of the airplane roared, the machine moved up the runway, left the ground, circled three times above the crowd, and then began its flight to France.

The fire engines responded to the sudden summons, but they were too late to prevent the flames mounting to the top floor.

By a special arrangement with the hospital departments, many young children between the ages of four and eleven went to the country last year.

Some of them travelled by bus, and others were sent by train.

Those who are responsible for the care of these children had a very difficult task, but there were no accidents and everything went splendidly.

Owing to the expense of the journey, large numbers who deserved to go were disappointed and remained in town all the summer.

Through the kind assistance of several men and women who have large amounts to the funds, it was possible to provide extra relief.

We are making plans to have more children spend a month in the country next summer.

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