Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 77

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I-am afraid that-the-measures we-have adopted are-not nearly strong enough. If-we-hope ever to-get- Mr. Crook to settle this debt, I-believe it-will-be necessary to-bring more pressure to bear on him.

The property is located on-the north-west corner of Spring Street. This-is a good spot for a store.

The price which-the owners ask is remarkably low; indeed, the property can-be purchased today for a mere trifle of-its worth. Originally, of-course the owners asked much more for-the building.

We-are sure that-you-will think favorably of-this corner, and-we-suggest that-you look it over as-soon-as-possible.

It-is near all transit facilities, and in-our-view you-could-not locate your store in a more desirable spot.

Manor Park is a delightful place in-the spring and summer. The park is full of-trees, shrubs, and flowers.

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