Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 28

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We wish to-be of service to-you, and-we-shall-be happy to change-the shoes if-you-will mail them to-us.

May-we-know when you-will-have-the new designs for-the ladies suits ready for-us?

What-is-the cause of-the delay? You seem to-be slow in making them up.

You-will receive them in a few days? We-hope-you-will excuse-the delay.

We-are slow because of-our desire to-give-you designs which-will-be different and new, and it takes many hours to-make them.

We highly value-the share of-your business which-you have given-us for-several years.

In-the face of-these facts, we-think-you-are wrong in passing on-the charges to-us.

Thomas wishes to-go with-us to-the baseball game on-Saturday. If-he-goes with-us he-will take-us

in-his car.

When is-the summary of-which-you speak to-be ready?

Samuel Johnson, whose speech appears in today’s “News”, speaks tonight at-the Academy. What-is his subject?

His topic is “Signs of-the Times.” I-think-he usually speaks on several subjects.

James Smith thinks-the charge too high a fee for-these maps.

They charge-us 5 guineas a set, and he thinks we-can get them for-less.

He-will show-us how we-can secure them for 4 guineas a set and-thus save a guinea.

What-is-the size of-the box? It-is six-inches wide and-five inches deep.

I use it for-the purpose of-saving odd pennies.

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