Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 26

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We-have a nice house for sale in Rose Park. It-has six rooms and two baths.

We-have sold twice as many copies of-the book since-the notice was put in-the-magazine.

Now is-the time to buy your bulbs and seeds. The soil is ready for-them.

We-have many choice varieties on sale, and-we-hope-you-will come in and choose some.

He said-the city would-have to-raise the oil tax or else levy a sales tax.

I-shall-be in-your city on Tuesday, 20th-March, and-I should like to-speak to-you, if-you-can spare a few minutes.

I-am leaving-the city on Tuesday. I-shall-be sorry to miss you, but I-have-no choice.

Our cashier daily takes-the cheques which come in-the-mail to-the bank.

Bill has to pay-the cheque into-the bank on-Saturday when-he leaves-the office.

On-Saturday we-are having a special sale of boy’s suits.

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