Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 81

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From all I gather, I-believe-that-the bankers themselves favour increasing-the average rate to three per-cent and-in an unofficial manner they endeavored to influence the others to adopt this course.

The author, who had travelled up-the Congo River through darkest Africa, offered to-speak to-the gathering next Friday night.

If only we receive-the lessons of adversity in a proper manner, they-are likely to show us how to-lead a useful, honorable, and successful life.

We-think-you-should-not overlook-the property being specially developed by ourselves near Riverside Manor. We should very-much like you to inspect what we-have to-offer before-you decide to buy.

Our new straws strike a fresh note in summer styles. We-think they-are-the most beautiful we-have ever offered.

We-believe that-we-had more business through our policy of selling at low-prices. From this you-will-see that-it-is essential to-supply these items for as little as-possible.

We-think-that-the figures you-give in-this estimate are incorrect. Either there-is an error in-your figures, or you-are using-the wrong grade of-leather.

Our enormous tocks have to-be moved to-make room for next season’s goods.

I-think-you-should reflect carefully before-you decide to-accept their offer. They expect a reply from-you by next Thursday. 

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