Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand (New Course) solved Exercises (Exercise No# 7)

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand (New Course) Unsolved Exercises (Exercise No# 6)

Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 7

Total Words=148

Who-will come to fetch-the cash? We-shall-be at-the bank at two.
We-know-the dept was paid. A cheque was given to him long-ago.
We saw them at-the shop. They bought a ball for Jack.
They got a doll for Ann, too.                                
May-we-have a cheque for-the bag bought on-the tenth of-May?
We-know they-had a long talk, but-we-think they-will give him no cash.
They say Bob owes-the debt, but-the watch was paid for on-the tenth.
We-think-the chalk may damage-the bag. No, it will come off. Wash if off.
Ask Paul to attach a tag to-the top of-the bag.
We-shall check-the damage to-the boat. 

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