Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Sir Isaac Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 31

Total Words=

It-will assist me if-you-will make-up an itemized list of all-the stock we-have in-the store.

The list should also state-the cost of-each item.

Although our costs are high, we-have always refused to-lessen-the value of-our service.

Honest value assists our firm to-keep its customers, and also to secure new buyers.

Our silk may-be subjected to any test you-may wish to-make.

We-think you first step should-be to stop waste as-fast-as you-can. We-suggest adjusting your charges as-the next step.

Our sales this year already exceed all of-our sales for last year.

Although you invoiced the steel posts to-us last month, we-are still having to-make do with stone posts.

Your failure to-get them to-us on time has caused a big upset in-the schedule, and-has cost a large sum of-money.

We-shall-do our best to influence him to cancel the debt.

In-the past we-have used this style of pencil, and-we-know it-will-be all-right for-your purpose.

Almost all types of stencils have a mark to show when-you reach-the bottom of-the page.

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