Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

700 Common Words Exercise No. 28 Longhand

The young woman walked from room to room of the house. It was not a very large house; it was, indeed, a house like so many others up and down the country. It had in it 5 rooms, two down with 3 bedrooms above. It had electric fires in all the bedrooms and an electric water-heating system. The fact that her house was just like thousands of other small houses did not influence the judgement of the young woman at all. In one way it was quite different from all the other houses, for it was hers. It was her own house to live in and to make comfortable and beautiful. It was her own house, and she had made up her mind to live happily in it and to make all who lived in it happy as well. Her mind was serious as she moved about, but her heart was light. I am a married woman now, she thought. I am married woman with all the responsibility that goes with marriage, but how happy I am! And, of course, she ought to have been happy. Her name was Penny. Two weeks before she had been Penny Wills: now she was Penny Read, and had been married for two weeks. Only the day before she had returned from the seaside to begin her life in her new home. The house itself was not new but it was quite modern, and she had spent much time during the last few weeks buying materials and making up her mind about colours. The point work she had kept light in colour, but in each room she had employed a different basic colour. One room, for example, was light blue white another was done in a very, very light golden colour. The paint in the sitting-room and in the best bedroom was, however, white. It was all very pleasing, even to the eye of a person not particularly interested, and to Penny it was just wonderful. She had received many presents, for she was a girl with an agreeable nature and many friends, and those presents she was not putting out, taking care that each thing should go in the best possible place for it. She had received six pictures and each picture had to be placed in such a way that it showed to the best advantage. She did not want a picture where so little light fell on it that it could not be seen clearly; but, on the other hand, she did not want the full light to fall on it in such a way that no one could see the picture. Every detail was important to Penny as she carried on with her happy work, and she did everything with loving care. Before her work had come to an end, however, she had to leave it and to think of food. Her special friend was calling on her that afternoon. It would be the first time in her life that she had had a friend call on her in her own home, and it was quite, quite necessary that everything should be perfect. She had been trained in the arts of housekeeping, and it was not long before all sorts of good things were ready. To set the table for two was a small matter, but even that seemed to take a long time, so carefully was it done. Then Penny had to change her dress. The dress she had on was pleasing enough but it was not new. Her friend had already seen it. Penny believed that as a married woman she ought to put on a new dress so that they would look just as different in the eyes of her friend as she was feeling in her own heart.

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