Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 106


Total Words=133

Gentlemen, Because of our decision to erect a building of our own, we shall not be in a position to renew our lease when it expires next year.

Permit us to take this occasion to thank you for the many courtesies you have always extended to us.

Preparations for the erection of our new offices and salesrooms are going ahead nicely, but there is just a chance that our new building may not be ready before the expiration of our lease.

We wish to make provision for any unexpected delays, and if you do not object, we should like to have your permission to remain in this building, if necessary, for not more than three months, at the present rental. We hope you will have no objection to this arrangement. Very truly yours,


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