Name: Ghulam Mustafa Name of Institute: Pakistan Shorthand Institute (Ghulam Mustafa) Personal Assistant in Women Development Department, Punjab Civil Secretariat Lahore.

Pitman Shorthand Exercise No. 104

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Dear Doctor Brown, I wish to make application for the position of secretary, details of which appear in today’s “Tribune”.

I am 21 years of age. I received a good business education, and obtained an honours diploma in stenography.

For the past two years I have acted as secretary to Doctor Brewster, who is, I think, known to you.

During this time I have carried out the usual office duties, and, in-addition I have taken the doctor’s special dictation.

I know that my employer is satisfied with my services.

I should like, however, to secure a position in my own town.

Doctor Bewster has kindly given me permisision to refer you to him for any information regarding my ability.

If you wish me to tell you anything more to assist you in making a decision I shall be glad to do so. Yours truly.

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