Sir Isaac
Pitman Shorthand Exercise No.1
The (SF) Date (W). (Full Stop PM).
The (SF) Page (W) (PM).
Date-the (W) + (SF) page (W). (Full Stop PM).
The (SF) debt (W). (Full Stop PM).
Pay-the (W) + (SF) debt (W). (Full Stop PM).
Who (SF) paid-the (W) + (SF) debt (W). (Question Mark PM)?
Abe (W) page (W) paid (W) it (SF), (Comma PM) but (SF) Ted (W) day (W)
paid (W) it (SF), too (SF).
Ted (W) paid-the (W) + (SF) debt (W) which (SF) Abe (W) paid (W). (Full
Stop PM).
The (SF) day (W) Abe (W) paid-the (W) + (SF) debt (W), Ted (W) paid (W) it
(SF), too (SF). (Full Stop).
Do (SF) page (W) two (SF). (Full Stop PM).
Aid (W) Ed (W) to-do (SF) + (SF). It (SF). (Full Stop PM).
Pay (W) ted (W) to (SF) aid (W) Abe (W). (Full Stop PM).